September 17, 2017

Shirt on!

This is not my first time to own a shirt for only 14 days. It is called shirting, you get one of a kind shirt from a designer for only two weeks to wear and photograph it, afterwards you have to return it and someone else gets to enjoy it. Here you can check my first time shirting experience. No one actually owns the shirt but while it is in your possession you take care of it and are responsible for it. I heard, if you really really love it, m…
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June 02, 2015

Shirting 03.01.11

Shirting is a nice Slovenian project. Trend changes so fast that we are pushed into immediate and constant consumption of clothes. A few Slovenian designers made shirts, which every two weeks get a new owner. In this time you wear 'yours' on different occasions and take photos of yourself wearing it. You would be surprised how one shirt can look special and very different from user to user.  You also pick the next 'owner' of the…
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