Floral Stripe

December 08, 2015

Since it is a bit warmer right now, this vest was perfect. I matched it with jeans and heels to achieve that perfect balance between masculine and feminine pieces and this cute little bag is perfect for a day out. Not every time you need a huge bag with everything inside. At the end I just accessorized my outfit with this light scarf.

Denim shirt / Zara
Vest / Mango
Jeans / Zara
Heels / Zara
Scarf / Stradivarius
Messenger bag / Zara
Rings / Zara


  1. Biiiniii, še imaš tale čudovit šal, si mi dala misliti, moram tudi jaz svojega kdaj na sprehod peljat ;)

    P.S. Tole je do sedaj moj najljubši outfit, printa se tako lepo dopolnjujeta. Le kje si dobila navdih?

  2. :) hvala! ja tale šal je bil dober nakup! Hmmmm, to kar pride no mal vpliva tud prekomerno pregledovanje blogov in modnih revij. :)


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